
Friday, March 31, 2006

Track and field meet

HEYS dear 71!

here's ur PE rep posting rare entries again! everytime you see my post it will be regarding PE. haha. so anyways, e track and field meet is on thursday 11th may 06 0730hrs. Please sign up for e events okay?! cuz at least one point will be awarded to each participant per event, including relays, regardless of his/her position. yeps (: well, if e response not so good maybe i go sabo u all...hahax! no lah, juz be enthu and enter e events k?

there's 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m(girls),5000m(boys),high,long,triple jump discus, shot put, javelin and e usual relay.

each participant may enter max 3 individual events and any no. of relay events.

there's inter-faculty and inter-ct relays. inter-ct relays means relay team members must be from same ct. cannot combine with snr class. each ct can send more than one team for each relay.

then, there's inter faculty relay, team members must be from same faculty. each participant can only take part in ONE inter fac relay. registration w fac head.

there's qualifying rounds for all e track events, unless there are 8 or less participants. they will be held in early-mid april.

Closing date for entries is friday 7th april!!!!!!!!!! register with me! i've got e forms!

jus sign up k!! haha.

love, pe rep.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pls niao

Q: How many RJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: 4 whole faculties. One fac to design the new bulb, one fac to test it out, one fac to market it and one guy to write a stupid Email about lightbulbs.
Q: How many HCJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: The whole school.....to compete with RJC.........
Q: How many VJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: The whole school.......one to screw it in and the rest to cheer and wave flags and banners to give him/her support.
Q: How many NJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
Q: How many AJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: They're too busy trying to be one of the top 5 JCs...
Q: How many ACJC students does it take to change lightbulb??
A: None......they use all their money to employ YJC to do it for them.
Q: How many YJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: None.....only one teacher to tell them what a lightbulb is in the first place and to demonstrate how do you think they're able to change it for AC?)
Q: How many CJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: They'd prefer it darker..........(hmmm...*raise >> > >eyebrow*)......
Q: How many JJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: None......Their physics is so bad that they make the male teacher cry.....
Q: How many TPJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: Would they bother??
Q: How many SAJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: None.....they believe in praying for it.
Q: How many NYJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: None.....they are still using oil lamps.
Q: How many SRJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: Huh, wat litebarb ...
Q: Dun
Q: How many TJC students does it take to change the lightbulb?
A: None. They think they are very bright already.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Financial Assistance Scheme

It's announcement time again!!

MOE Financial Assistance scheme is open for application again:


For JC1 students to qualify, gross monthly household income does not exceed $3750 per month or Gross Income per denpendent Child does not exceed $1875.

If you wish to apply for the above scheme, pls go to the General Office to get the forms.

** The assistance includes full or partial waiver of school fees and for some cases up to 75% waiver of exam fees.

Deadline: 31 Mar 06

Monday, March 27, 2006


"The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt." i have a friend. a fairly close friend. relatively. i don't have any *really* close friends. he's a very good friend. right now he's going through a bad point in his life. he realised his other good friends are joining a certain organisation. and he is not. he realises he will not be able to spend as much time with them once they join the organisation. even now, he feels he is drifting away from them. yet he sincerely wishes that they manage to join the organisation. he regrets not joining the organistion because he thought that the organistaion's expectations were of too high standards for him. now it is too late. he feels his life is all messed up. he wishes to turn it around. go back in time. just one chance to make it all right. i am cynical. if thats the right word. serious. i have certain things i wish to say to him. but to say it would be to hurt him

I have something share with everyone. It it but my viewpoint. Everything happens for a reason. Do not try to avoid suffering, because more will look for you. Just do it. Do it without regrets, because none of us are granted divine providence; none of us know what will happen in the future. Because there is no such thing as a mistake in life. Simply because there is no right answer.


Friday, March 24, 2006

The S71ians

OMG! Did you guys see this link at the side?

Ok look to the right side now....Edmund (i think) somehow found this and here's the link..


ok...this is not the shocking part....but look at this...

This is a class photo of 96S71....exactly 10 years our senior.....and if you remember....our dear Bio tutor was also from 71....she and she's exactly 10 years our senior toooooo!!! If you still don't get it...she's somewhere inside....in that photo....I couldn't believe it was her...


If you want to know which is her...then follow that link....names are provided...look for "Huiming"....what a difference 10 years make....


Thursday, March 23, 2006

attention to those who has lots of free time...!!!

*Edit/Hijack by Neo*
If you fit into the aforementioned category (ie whole day can play Bridge :P) please sign up for the Bio talks... We've got 2 Meet the Scientist Sessions and another one on Bird Flu. The form's with me, support the Bio department people!

heyy guys.. if you guys r interested in the following talks, do take note of the dates n venues.. there's no need to sign up so juz go for it if you r free.. =)

31 Mar (Fri)
4 - 5 pm
SAT Briefing

5 Apr (Wed)
2 - 3 pm
LT1 & LT2
Career Talks

7 Apr (Fri)
4 - 5 pm
LT1 & LT2
Career Talks

21 Apr (Fri)
4 - 6 pm
Scholarship Talk: Public Service Commission

26 Apr (Wed)
2 - 4 pm
Scholarship Talk: Public Service Commission

17 May (Wed)
2 - 3 pm
Scholarship Talk: GIC

Those who are interested in joining the virtual business challenge, here's some info abt it:

1) You will run virtual clothing retail stores and decide on operating details including: employment issues, capacity, service innovation and other amenities.

2) Finalists will also be trained by an external vendor during week 10 (which means you'll be missing the sabbaticals.. but don't wry if u get kicked out before the finals you'll still be able to join the sabbaticals!)

It's compulsory to send a team of 4 from each CT so pls do come forward and volunteer or else we shall have to sabo someone..heehee..but u can choose to put in ur utmost worst effort n get kicked out b4 e finals..YUP! To register, visit www.hci-vbc.org (23 - 29 Mar)

Training: 5 Apr
Game proceedings: 10 Apr - 25 May

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

first day of term two

First day of TERM TWO!!!! =D

Class bench!

I think I look very nice in the photo! Mei's photo taking skill v zai! Very vain I know hahax.

THE BEST PHOTO OF THE TERM! all the girls look so pretty! Being vain once again lol. Chairman's photo taking skill even more zai!
Somehow it gives a nostalgic feeling :)

Honestly I have no idea who took this and what this is suupose to mean hahax

Monday, March 20, 2006

And just because you doubt me

i will spite you. i shall blog.

Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

perfect lover?

gender: girl. maybe guy. who knows (:

he or she must:
1) click well with me
2) be trustworthy
3) be open minded
4) be sporty
5) like me
6) be pleasing to see
7) know the limits
8) be sincere

it took me 1/2 an hour to think this out. damned. that took long. anyway. the list is always changing. when the person comes, the person will come. i'm not actively looking for such a person, yet. i wonder when i will. anyway since almost everyone has been tagged i guess i won't tag anyone.


Eh, i was tagged by my twin! i shall be nice and post this..haha.

Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Gender: You think leh?????
hmmmm. actually i also not very sure what i look for in a guy. if the feeling is right that he would be my perfect fit. haha. anyway, here goes!

1. Athletic
don't need those muscular hunkies, hehs. me not looking for some sports fanatic, just someone quite sporty and sporting!

2. Relatively talkative
I don't want a chatterbox for a bf tho. haha. just someone whom i can click well with and bring me out of my stoning mode when i'm gazing into the space.

3. Sensitive to my feelings
Sometimes i can be rather emotional, so be sensitive and don't say all the wrong things if not i'll be in a worse mood! Can detect my nuances of emotion and show me that you care.

4. Self-motivated; someone with goals in mind
I admire those people who know what they want and strive hard to achieve them (:

5. Relatively high self-esteem
I dun want a guy who keeps whining about his incompetencies and do NOTHING about it! He should know his limitations and work towards improve it! yays.

6. Cannot be a super mugger
Cannot be those everyday wanna go home mug kind! I'll probably faint. haha. Like i say, be sporting and participate in some other activities and be enthu!

7. Romantic?? hehs
Eh, i'm easily swooned. haha. i like this kind of stuff..haha.

8. Truthful and sincere
I won't be able to stand hypocrites and backstabbers. No time to play mind games with you, i rather play computer games.

eh, must tag other people issit?? hmmmmm.

i shall tag these ppl!
1. alicia! our dearest ct rep (:
2. yuming! doubt he will blog though.
5.can't think of anymore.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hmm...here are some of the photos fro, qingyi's house!!!
Woke up at 11am today! The effect of alcohol yesterday??

birthday gal and everlyn!

No. 1 footwear ad!

The LONG legs models

xiangsu and birthday gal!

anyone wants to challenge cheryl to act-nerd-looks???

the bbq masters!

Hmm...anyone wana join the 71 gambling gang?? record was $80 in one night!

my mushmarrow juz refuses to turn brown!

any idea who this is? it's mr lih hern...

some are just exhausted

ge and his/her MOST "hot" mei

hmm...watch the background!

the birthday gals!

make a wish!!! =)

cut the cake!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Qingyi House

Hey folks here are the finalised details:

Venue: Qingyi's House (Symphony Heights at Hume Ave, very near school)
Time: 3pm
Meet: 2.30pm at Bukit Timah Plaza (if you have no idea how to get there by yourself) Call Kay Siong or Mitchell once you reach Bukit Timah Plaza, we would most probably buying the food stuff.
Pay: $5 - $10 (depending on turn out and how much we buy)
Do what: Same old stuff...mahjong...cards...bbq...wadeva entertainment there is available...

Food stuff:
  • chicken wings
  • sausage+crabmeat
  • marshmallow with nutella or cadbury
  • mannyings special rice
  • otah
  • corn
  • drinks
  • pizza (are we still ordering pizza?)
  • surprise dish (act not really surprising larz...)

Remember it's Ferarina's and Yingri's birthday tomorrow!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

OoLay It's Da HOLIDAYS!!

Woohoo..holidays are here!i'm finally posting on the class blog after like soo long..eh u all wanna go East Coast or Sentosa for class gathering instead of the zoo?wanna see animals come my house!heehee..entrance fee 2 donuts.(make it 3..breakfast..lunch..dinner..)

Anyway to help u decide which one u want..East coast park only has one beach but sentosa has MAnY beaches..ECP has brown sand but sentosa has white sand..ECP has water fountain at marine cove but sentosa has Musical fountain..ECP has bike n skate rentals and sentosa oso have..there's aquabike even!ECP have trees but no jungles..we can go trekkin!ECP has a kidney pond(not flooded with kidneys..just kidney shape..) but sentosa has lagoons n islands just a swim away..ECP is fun but Sentosa is more fun=) Oh!and those who wanna go to the zoo..there's alot of peacocks flying around the place..then we can go jungle trekkin n spottin squirells and monkeys too..if u are lucky..u'll find a snake..Dun have to worry..jason will protect u!he can break a snake with one finger..haha..Really!i watched the demo on thurs!he snapped an innocent baby snake into many baby snakes..aiyo..poor thing/things..

Quick Quick..take a vote..Oh ya..e interact clubbers havinn camp til tues rite?then wed there's gambling jacene's casino..so that leaves onli Thursday..Friday..Saturday..Sunday..4 days!

East Coast:
Put your name here
Kay Siong

Put your nameS here
Kay Siong


Kay Siong



Thursday, March 09, 2006


and so, spamming ice cream on a monday night. plan c




qing yi's house








anything else you can think of

pls bring money

around 5~10 each

pay for food

and stuff

please support

see you there

brought to you by


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Class Outing


I am YuMinG. I am 16 years old right now. (:

Anyway, WELCO (CONPRISING OF... money queen, lag vice chair, ksiong and lee) has decided that..... on the 15th of MARCH will be.... CLASS OUTING DAY! PLS CHOOSE ONE OF TWO.

Plan A:
GO TO THE ZOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Then.. look at animals! Analyse symptoms of Zoococist!
Then eat dinner lor!

Estimated price: $15** (not including food and beverages which may amount to another $15)

Plan B:
15th March 2006
Do what? Anything lor! Can play beach volleyball, football, cycling, rollerblading, dunking...... anything there haha :)

And at the nite......we have barbeque!
On the MENU right now...
  • otah
  • corn
  • sausage+crabmeat
  • marshmallow with nutella or cadbury
  • mannyings special rice
  • drinks
  • pizza
  • surprise dish!

Estimated price: $5** bucks a person +/- $3 (Not inclusive of any expensive activities you may wish to participate in, like cycling/rollerblading/pool/langaming etc)

*All activities will end at latest, 4am in the morning.


***better appreciate. we spent like 5 hours doing this on a sunday. pls support!

Change of attire

Haiz... 2nd post, so I have 2 topics to rant about...

To those who are leaving 71/ HC voluntarily, good luck wherever you have decided to move to. You'll always be a part of 71, so if you ever feel like dropping in on us, the class bench will always be open to you.

To those who have not been reposted to Hwa Chong, life does have its ups and downs, so keep your head up and stay strong. You'll always be entitled to the class bench too Then again, you guys are appealing right? Remember the concept of "uni7one", we're united, so if you need us to mass-petition the admin, we're there for ya.

Those who've been successfully reposted, stick with us yar? It's been a great two months with everyone, so if you like the subject combi, keep it. If you're leaving 71 for more verdant pastures, good luck too.

Next up, is a rallying call for all ex- High School boys to bring their old High School uniform this week. You don't have to wear it, just bring it for when we welcome our new classmates (if we do get more people). Support me okay?


You'll Never Walk Alone

To the ivarina and yingri...

You'll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,
And don't be afraid of the dark,
At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky,
And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown...

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never walk alone...

Listen to the song here
Watch the video here


Tahan Challenge / Bio Talk

hi guys.. just to let u know there's this tahan challenge organised by the tahan mountain trekking team on 1st april (sat).. there's lots of trekking involved but they promise tt there will be many interesting activites along the way.. yup so they are asking ppl to sign up in teams of 4.. the top 3 teams will win prizes as well as faculty points..

as for the bio talk on this coming thursday, ms wang's encouraging us to go to expose ourselves.. yup guess tt's all.. haf a nice weekend!


Chem Test

do note tt chem test will be on fri. on stochiometry n atomic structure.

from ur dear chem rep =D

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Life is a gamble.

You are addicted to gambling/cards/mahjong if...
  1. It's 7.30pm and dark already...and you are still at the class bench playing bridge.
  2. You bring a deck of cards wherever you go.
  3. You play cards at the back of a LT during lectures (esp when it is unimportant lectures like "Service Learning").
  4. You manage to lose 80 bucks in 1 hour just from playing Blackjack.
  5. You suggest/agree that playing cards and mahjong should be part of the programme for the class outing at Sentosa.
  6. You go to other people's house to stayover just to play cards/mahjong.
  7. You find Solitare the most interesting computer game on your computer.
  8. You don't mind going to the house of the person you hate most just because you can gamble there.
  9. Your friend's bag is unzipped and you are more worried about whether the cards have dropped out rather than worrying about if your friend's handphone or wallet has dropped out.
  10. When people say the word "Bridge" the first thing that comes to your mind is the card game "Bridge" instead of 桥.
  11. You pon your CCA yet you don't go home cause you want to stay at your class bench to play cards.
  12. You touch cards more than you touch your tutorials.

If you have more than 6 symptoms, please seek help immediately! National Council on Problem Gambling is a good start! Visit here for more details! Alternatively, you can approach Tan Yang for help! :)
