
Monday, March 20, 2006


Eh, i was tagged by my twin! i shall be nice and post this..haha.

Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Gender: You think leh?????
hmmmm. actually i also not very sure what i look for in a guy. if the feeling is right that he would be my perfect fit. haha. anyway, here goes!

1. Athletic
don't need those muscular hunkies, hehs. me not looking for some sports fanatic, just someone quite sporty and sporting!

2. Relatively talkative
I don't want a chatterbox for a bf tho. haha. just someone whom i can click well with and bring me out of my stoning mode when i'm gazing into the space.

3. Sensitive to my feelings
Sometimes i can be rather emotional, so be sensitive and don't say all the wrong things if not i'll be in a worse mood! Can detect my nuances of emotion and show me that you care.

4. Self-motivated; someone with goals in mind
I admire those people who know what they want and strive hard to achieve them (:

5. Relatively high self-esteem
I dun want a guy who keeps whining about his incompetencies and do NOTHING about it! He should know his limitations and work towards improve it! yays.

6. Cannot be a super mugger
Cannot be those everyday wanna go home mug kind! I'll probably faint. haha. Like i say, be sporting and participate in some other activities and be enthu!

7. Romantic?? hehs
Eh, i'm easily swooned. haha. i like this kind of stuff..haha.

8. Truthful and sincere
I won't be able to stand hypocrites and backstabbers. No time to play mind games with you, i rather play computer games.

eh, must tag other people issit?? hmmmmm.

i shall tag these ppl!
1. alicia! our dearest ct rep (:
2. yuming! doubt he will blog though.
5.can't think of anymore.


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