
Monday, March 27, 2006


"The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt." i have a friend. a fairly close friend. relatively. i don't have any *really* close friends. he's a very good friend. right now he's going through a bad point in his life. he realised his other good friends are joining a certain organisation. and he is not. he realises he will not be able to spend as much time with them once they join the organisation. even now, he feels he is drifting away from them. yet he sincerely wishes that they manage to join the organisation. he regrets not joining the organistion because he thought that the organistaion's expectations were of too high standards for him. now it is too late. he feels his life is all messed up. he wishes to turn it around. go back in time. just one chance to make it all right. i am cynical. if thats the right word. serious. i have certain things i wish to say to him. but to say it would be to hurt him

I have something share with everyone. It it but my viewpoint. Everything happens for a reason. Do not try to avoid suffering, because more will look for you. Just do it. Do it without regrets, because none of us are granted divine providence; none of us know what will happen in the future. Because there is no such thing as a mistake in life. Simply because there is no right answer.



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