
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Maths Madness

A message from miss wu...

"Miss wu here...Pls help me inform your class to try tutorial 4b. Question 9 to 22 by next week... I know that it's quite taxing... But it'll help you in your alternative assessment.... Thank you..."

So please do those questions by the next tutorial (on Thur).

Also, please do your assignment 4a (the small piece that one) and hand in latest on Wed so that she can mark and return to us on Thur. Handing in before Wed is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED.

On a totally unrelated note, it's Maths Week next week! Can't you feel the excitement? -_- Please remember to proceed to LT3 on Wed and LT2 on Fri for the Maths lecture period. The seating arrangment is with me (too lazy to scan and upload). For both venues, we are sitting in front (Row 1 to 3), on the right (imagine you are facing the front of the LT).

For the 3 of you (Yuming, Sylvia & Joanne) who indicated that you are interested in H3 maths, please listen out for annoucements for the selection test (which I presume would be soon since H3 maths start next term).

- most responsible maths rep

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Saw this on Zeqi and Xin Yi's blog, but both provide diferrent insights....decided to post it here since it has went back to hibernation mode...and I realised I'm the only June baby in the class...so the description is exclusive to me only in the class..haha...

From Xin Yi's blog: JUNE BABY

You've got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around.
(ok...I'm not that bad but I'm so stoned most of the time that I don't think I'm an absolute pleasure to be around)

You love to make new friends and be outgoing.
(so totally the opposite...)

You are a great flirt and more than likely have an a very attractive partner.
(lol...i wished i have..)

a wicked hottie.
(wicked i may be...hottie i will never be...so funny..)

It is also more than likely that you have a massive record collection.
(not massive larz...I only own about 10+ CDs? Plus a couple of burn and downloaded ones)

You have a great choice in films, and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you've got the looks for it!!!
(3 letters: L O L)

Conclusion: Not a single accurate prediction. Sad.

From Ze Qi's blog: JUNE BABY

1. Pick your birth month.
2. Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you.
3. Bold the five-ten that best apply to you.
4. Copy to your own journal, with all twelve months under a lj-cut.

Thinks far with vision.
Easily influenced by kindness. (I was so touched yesterday when mitchell said "hope you get well soon" to me....then he had to go spoil it by saying "but i don't really mean it larz..)
Polite and soft-spoken.
Having ideas.
Active mind.
Hesitating, tends to delay. (or a better word would be procrastination)
Choosy and always wants the best.
Temperamental. (or pms as mitchell always say)
Funny and humorous.
Loves to joke.
Good debating skills.
Friendly. (people say i look dao..so i guess i am not friendly? it depends on the person..)
Knows how to make friends.
Able to show character.
Easily hurt.
Prone to getting colds. (colds? what colds? if it's the sick kind of cold, YES, i am forever sick)
Loves to dress up.
Easily bored. (i rock at stoning for long hours)
Seldom shows emotions.
Takes time to recover when hurt. (depends on what is the cause)
Brand conscious.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Class Outing!

time to reward ourselves after e chain of killer tests. with a class outing!

this is gg to be v sketchy..

venue: town?


noon- pool

2pm-7pm - partyworld ktv. be sporty!! it's ok if u've nv sung b4 in ur entire life. there's always a 1st time. come la, then we can all laugh at each other.

aft 7pm- head to ksiong's house! to set up gambling den ;) inclusive of mahjong, black jack etc. or anything else to entertain outselves.

currently those gg includes me ksiong wilson mitchell mann ying pauline cheryl xin yi sylvia etc

if u wanna join us for either all of e activities or only some of it, sms me or anyone listed to ask for e time n venue. sms anytime today or tml! COME LA!


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bio Tutorials

Okay bring on Monday then... and if you've already submitted enzymes once you don't have to pass up again.

Yingri and Ferarina: Miss Wang just returned me one of your practicals, so if you're still reading this and want your work back, contact me.

Harlow all

I know you don't want to see those documents again, after the genocide that took place in the Audi during Bio, but PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR ENZYMES, MICROSCOPY AND CELL STRUCTURE TUTORIALS TOMORROW! Miss Wang (Not Angel Yang) wants to collect.
Of course, I'm assuming that you haven't burnt/shredded/vapourised them yet, otherwise gg...


Sunday, April 16, 2006


Woohoo! Thunder and lightning now...the lightning so cooool...streaks of lightning just keep flashing across the sky...

Then just now...got this super duper zai lightning flashes across the sky...normally lightning flash then gone right, this one very zai...flash and stayed for around 3 seconds...

when i looked out of the window and saw this magnificent sight (lol...getting excited over lightning)...a bird flew past!!!!!


But no...it wasn't hit by lightning...but it just makes me wonder...wouldn't the bird be very easily hit by lightning since they fly so high? Lol..my GK sucks

By the way...don't think that you're safe indoors...lightning can strike you even when you're indoors too! Good luck and pray hard that you don't get tian da lei pi!


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ten Top Trivia Tips

check this out!!!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about 06S71!
1. Tradition allows women to propose to 06S71 only during leap years!
2. 06S71 can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period.
3. 06S7ology is the study of 06S71.
4. Without its lining of 06S71, your stomach would digest itself.
5. 06S71 will become gaseous if their temperature rises above -42°C!
6. India tested its first nuclear 06S71 in 1974!
7. The risk of being struck by 06S71 is one occurence every 9,300 years.
8. The liquid inside 06S71 can be used as a substitute for blood plasma!
9. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into 06S71.
10. A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find 06S71.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Sylvia!
1. Sylvia once lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest.
2. If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in sylvia.
3. In her entire life, sylvia will produce only a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey!
4. Over half of Americans are officially sylvia!
5. A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted sylvia.
6. Sylvia cannot burp - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in her stomach.
7. The canonical hours of the Christian church are matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, sylvia and compline.
8. Sylvia was first discovered by Alexander the Great in India, and introduced to Europe on his return!
9. Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and sylvia has 7!
10.Sylvia was declared extinct in 1902.

try keying your name in! (: or someone else's to laugh your lungs out! ENJOYY! ((:


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Chemistry ILP

If u tink e chemistry teachers have forgotten bout it, u r so wrong.
Chemistry ILP Assignment due on 28th Apr!!
e one behind chemical bonding 2 notes.
Do both Q. Q1 more important tho =D

-zai chem rep

Monday, April 10, 2006

TFM heats

hihi it's me again! here are the updates for track and field meet:


13th april (thurs):8x200m, 100m. Both girls and boys.

18th april (tues):4 X 100m girls and boys

19th april: Javelin, long jump, 200m, girls and boys.

Check the PE board for more detailed information okays?! And if you are not sure of the events you are participating in, come and ask me!!!

JIAYOU BAHS!drink plenty of water before and after the heats. please do your warm-up and cool-down properly!

-from mum cum pe rep (:

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Thanks! 15 kind souls.. =)

Wow our class blog is alive again..hooray! haha keep the interesting entries coming! =D anyway to the 15 ppl who r going for the research symposium this sat, whether or not it's voluntary or u're being volunteered by tt cruel lil pieces of paper, I would like to say a big thank you.. n dun wry we'll be safe from the next "extra duty" as promised by mr tan.. "take-turns to attend extra 'duties'" was his instructions written on the paper.. funny way of phrasing it.. lol.. but yup thanks!

anyway, as usual, here r the finalised details:

8th HCI Research Symposium
8 Apr 2006
8.45 am (no indication of ending time.. but according to mr tan he says it's 12pm)
Guest Speakers: 2 professors from A*STAR & MIT

dun wry refreshments will be provided too.. hope they do serve gd food to at least make us feel better.. lol well tt's all! cya den!


Monday, April 03, 2006

Doing well for tests

Learn by example...?

Lol crazy juniors


Future casino clients in the making.
This was what we were doing fer bio free period. please play cards during lesson time. please distract the rest of the class.


When we had gp in the morning and all of you were paying attention. something was going on at tbe back of the class.LIH HERN PLEASE PEEL EGGS AND EAT IN CLASS. PLEASE LITTER THE FLOOR WITH EGG SHELLS. THX
THE MOST IN SADIST GAME CURRENTLY PLAYED IN SCH. I WHACK U, U WHACK ME. look at all the people luffing, all of dem can be all concluded to be sadist.
BBQ the zebra. Kenny Roger's anyone?
STAB the zebra.
CHEEKOPEI! stop molesting the zebra
Doing something wicked to Elaine's zebra on her pencil case =)
Our 1st csp lesson. DO COMPO. DO SOME MORE.
Everyone's favourite teacher. =)
Ah good old days. Angel mortal LOL. Boss Kam trying to open Yu ming's incredibly complicated way of folding a letter
one of the sanest game ever invented. =.= jack and jill. ZZZZ played during CNY
Crowding in the lift for class outing @ cine
The most zai foto of the year. =)


Sunday, April 02, 2006


Quoted from http://www.dictionary.com:

sa·dism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sdzm, sdz-)n.
1. The deriving of sexual gratification or the tendency to derive sexual gratification from inflicting pain or emotional abuse on others.
2. The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from cruelty.
3. Extreme cruelty.

I think our class fits the description of "sadism" perfectly...we are all sadists! I mean who would derive fun and pleasure from slapping each others hand while playing scissors paper stone? Or enjoy wacking each other's thigh or pinching each other's arms?

06S71 of course!

I think we should play the "sit in circle whack each other's thigh and pinch each other's arms" game more next time when we have class outing or something...or when we are in big groups...instead of stoning we can actually find some pleasure and fun doing this! We had quite some fun on Sat during Leaps playing this...

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about and is wondering "what is hell is the sit in circle whack each other's thigh and pinch each other's arms game"...well it is introduced by Sylvia...basically we sit in a circle....one name is called...and that person can choose to whack the person on his/her left or right...and when he/she start whacking that person...that person will have to pinch the other person sitting with him/her....and the whacking and pinching will keep going and it can only stop when the person being pinched shout "ouch!". Which effectively means the person will just keep getting whacked by the first person IF he/she doesn't pinch the third person hard enough....thn once the third person shout ouch...the he/she will shout the name for the next person to continue the game...

So you may be wondering what's the point of the game....well it's simple....TO INFLICT PAIN!!! Which we all clearly enjoy...

Leaps course on sat....well nothing much worth mentioning...so I shall not talk about it at all...

Anyway...it's been long since we had a class outing...the Yingri and Fera's bdae celebration at Qingyi's house during the march hols had a pretty good turnout..23/26...and I must say the highlight of the day was the Venezia ice cream!

Speaking of which...I miss the times where we would go to Sixth Avenue for Venezia ice cream and how we would buy the BBQ chicken at Cold storage cause it's buy 1 get 1 free since it's closing soon....and the ice cream is so good...Durian ice cream!! (which qingyi detest...lol)...I also missed the days where we stayed back late late in school to learn and practise the sadistic dance that Alicia choreograph for us for the camp fire...the campfire night where we did the cheer on the table and later proceed to eat the watermelon on the very same table...how gross is that...CNY stall was fun too..and the FAC DANCE...lol..and boss kam's inability to dance was pretty funny too...the stayovers we had...ok..maybe this one's not so applicable so it's always ended up being me wilson yuming everlyn and sometimes mitchell...but it's still fun! Gambling the whole night through is heaven for gambling addicts...I still remember we had the stayover on 2 consecutive Sat..once at Yuming's hse..once at mine...almost had a third one on the third Sat at Mann Ying's hse....crazy times....STJ and JTS were pretty fun I guess....I mean Ilove to eat so anything that got's to do with eating will be fun for me...oh..and the few table soccer we had in the fish tank before they start charging us....and who can forget the famous "Wanna share cream" scandalous comment in the fish tank...

The sentosa outing's turnout was pretty pathetic from what I know...but we just had one outing 2 days before the sentosa outing..so I guess it's understandable?

So back to my point...let's have a class outing soon! It can be something very simple...just a simple dinner somewhere on a Sat or Fri night...I love to EAT!!!! Or we can have more stayovers! That is provided you guys actually want to....I know for girls....it's harder to convince your parents (?)...but well it's a suggestion...espeically since Good Friday hols is in 2 weeks time...it can be from Thur nite to Fri or Fri nite to Sat....

And Jason's birthday is 25th April...and Qingyi's and Miaojing's birthdays are both on 23rd April...why don't we have a class dinner or go someone's house to celebrate their birthday on either 22nd (Sat) or 23rd (Sun) to celebrate their birthday? I think we should plan early considering how lag we are....

Oh...and not sure if you guys heard...NJC will be having this carnival sort of thing? In May I think...maybe we can go together? Then we can get to see Hockey Wong, Fera and Yingri!! Plus it should be pretty fun...we can buy coupons from Fera I guess? let's ask her more the next time we see her...

To xinyi: for the inter-ct relay...what are the categories? 4x100? 8 x200? Guys? Girls? and mixed? I don't mind filling in the empty slot if you guys wanna go but don't have enough people...but be warned...I'm most probably gonna fail my napfa + i'm a slow runner..so if you guys wanna win...don't call me...but like I said..if anyone's interested to go for inter-ct relay but don't have enough people to fill in...I will be more than happy to fill in that slot...afterall "at least one point will be awarded to each participant per event, including relays, regardless of his/her position." So I think it's time we earn some pts for Apollo...since we've been doing like nothing?

To Anonymous: Interesting quote there...I know I'm a bit lag here..but I think you should tell your friend the certain things you wanna say to him and not worry about whether it will hurt him....afterall...to quote from you "Just do it. Do it without regrets, because none of us are granted divine providence; none of us know what will happen in the future." So why not just do it?
